Friday, August 2, 2013

Closing Thoughts from our Team Leader, Lisa

This particular trip was unusual for me because I started out with some sort of upper respiratory bug.  This bug followed me through the week of Nicaragua and a few days after I returned to the States.

The first day of the project arrived, and I had a chance to watch this team in action:  usually I am involved much more, but this illness had zapped my energy.  The team immediately became God's servants working as one body spreading the love of Jesus to Pastor Silvio's church and to the neighbors as well.  The team was in tune to the needs found in the small village of Quince de Julio, and sensitive to the best way to meet those needs.

I was inspired throughout the week by the energy and creativity used through VBS games and lessons, along with using the Spiritual Vitamins as a tool to spread God’s Word, the unique way in which the survey was used as a prayer ministry, the thoughts and ideas that went into the Tippy Taps and washers, and the carpentry skills used to fix the roof and repair the church door. What a list-- not to mention the music connection that was made by many of this small group of nine.

I am thankful to God and the people that supported this team with prayers and financial support.

God’s peace,

Lisa Marshall